(ZOOM ONLINE) Gilding For Works of Art Study Group (Subscription)

(ZOOM ONLINE) Gilding For Works of Art Study Group (Subscription)

$75.00 every month

See Below for Study Group Description

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Gilding For Works of Art Study Group

A Monthly Subscription for Fine Artists

Students can Sign Up and Join Us at Anytime! Classes are Always Open for New Students as we gather Monthly throughout the year.

Meeting the 1st Thursday of Every Month (*A few exceptions exist where alternate days are provided)

Dates for 2025: April 3, May 8, June 12, July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4

Dates for 2026: January 1, February 5…More Dates Coming

11:00am - 12:30pm PST

2:00pm - 3:30pm EST (New York)

(Adjust for Local Time Zone and Daylight Savings Time Changes)

*Note: Daylight Savings Time:

March 9, 2025 (Clocks Go Forward 1 Hour)

November 2, 2025 (Clocks Go Back 1 Hour)

**All Classes Are Live Online And Backup Recorded, Perfect If You Need To Miss A Session!

The Gilding For Works of Art Study Group

The Gilding For Works of Art Study Group is designed to help the Fine artist who is exploring ways of incorporating gilding with Gold or Silver Leaf into their works of art on canvas, paper, or panels and to troubleshoot technical problems that can arise while working with these beautiful and complex gilding techniques. All levels are welcome for artists working in all art mediums including Oils, Acrylics, Pastels, and Watercolors. You will find this online Study Group a supportive environment and you’ll be among friends and colleagues all aspiring to learn and grow with both ancient and contemporary gilding materials and techniques..

Each month we will explore a particular aspect of gilding including

  • Discovering a wide range of karats and shades of gold leaf.

  • Exploring ancient various recipes for creating and gilding raised gesso on paper and panels

  • Ilinocopia (garlic juice), Gum Ammoniac as mordants

  • Adapting elements of traditional water gilding

  • Traditional Egg Tempera Sgraffito

  • Making your own Shell Gold and working with commercially available options, and more…

Question/Answer Periods

A popular element of each monthly Study Group Session is the Q and A Period. Members will have the opportunity to discuss any question or topic related to gilding artwork. This is the best way to explore answers to questions that you may have regarding technical problems in your gilding or coming to a greater understanding of the various processes. Examples of the type of questions that come up may involve adhesion of leaf, when and how to apply isolating and surface topcoats, changes in the marketplace of available materials and resource suggestions, combining gilding with specific paint mediums. The Gilding For Works of Art Study Group is an opportunity to help you find and develop the answers you need to enhance your art and grow.

When Do We Meet?

The Study Group meets every 1st Thursday of every month for 90 Minutes. Each Session is both Live on Zoom and Recorded. Links to the Recordings are emailed to Members generally a few days after each Month’s Session.

Session Dates each month may change from time to time due to holidays and periods whereas being the Instructor I may be conducting an out of state in-person class but consistency is maintained as much as possible. The Recordings remain viewable for Six (6) Months and are valuable for those who need to miss a Live meeting or where time zone differences are an issue.


The Gilding For Works of Art Study Group is available by Subscription Only. It is offered as a Monthly Automatic Renewal, providing flexibility and continuity in your course of study. Your Subscription renews automatically on or around the same date monthly date and may be cancelled at anytime.

If you Sign Up with a Subscription on a date after that month’s Study Group session has passed you will receive the Zoom Recording Link of that session to watch and catch up.

A Confirmation of your Subscription will be emailed to you in a Welcome letter along with details about any suggested materials and tools you’ll need from time to time.

How it Works

  1. When you sign up for a subscription you will receive a personal Welcome Confirmation as a Member of the Gilding For Works of Art Study Group along with any recommended materials and tools as applicable. The Live Zoom Link for the Study Group Sessions will be emailed to you separately which can be re-used for each monthly Study Group Session.

  2. Live Zoom Links will be re-sent to you monthly as a reminder of the upcoming Session. If your link is ever misplaced please request a replacement at gilding-studygroup@usa.net at least 24 hours before the start of our session if possible. Requests that are received shortly before the start of the Live session may not be viewed in time to send it to you.

  3. All Zoom Study Group Sessions are both Live and Recorded. Recordings remain viewable for Six (6) Months. Members will receive the Recording Link for each Session generally a few days after the Live meeting. If you cannot attend the Live Session you will still receive the Recording of the Session including the Question/Answer period.

  4. If you Sign Up with a Subscription on a date after that month’s Study Group session has passed you will receive the Zoom Recording Link of that session to watch and catch up. As an example, if the Water Gilding Study Group Session falls on the 14th of the month and you sign up on the 15th, you will receive the Recording of the Study Group Session once it is sent to the Study Group members. Recording Links generally are sent a few days after each month’s Session. You will also receive the Live Zoom Link for the next month’s Session usually within 24 hours.

  5. Subscriptions received the same day that a Session for that month is scheduled all attempts will be made to send the the Live Zoom Link for that Session but cannot be guaranteed if there is insufficient time. However, you will still receive the Recording Link of the session within a few days.

If you have additional questions feel free to email me at the gilding studio at gilding-studygroup@usa.net.

Looking forward to having you join us in this exciting Study Group for Fine Artists! ~