The Gilding Arts Collective
The Gilding Arts Collective
Facebook Group
Seeking connection among other fellow-students or gilders? Or perhaps just a supportive online group where you can ask a question - or maybe help with an answer? The Gilding Arts Collective Facebook Group was created for just that very reason.
Established in the Spring of 2022 by Gilder and Teacher Charles Douglas, the Gilding Arts Collective is a concept to help foster the educational pursuits of students in the gilding arts in this growing International gilding community. The Collective is an extension to both the In-Person gilding classes that have played a significant role in much of Charles’ gilding career and the Online courses and Masterclasses created in the Fall of 2020 in response to the global covid pandemic.
The accessibilty of these wide range of online gilding classes, born out of difficulty for so many has blossomed in its own way and has shown to be much in line with Charles’ vision after 40 years of gilding to focus solely on gilding education, research, and writing.
The idea of the Gilding Arts Collective is an evolving one which will likely take a variety of forms as the need arises and new opportunities present themselves. The Gilding Arts Collective Facebook Group is one of those opportunities, that extension of the gilding classes where the learning continues and where a student can go for a little gilding help or just to say hello to friends made along the way.
The Facebook group is an arts forum that is open to both students and the general community interested specifically in the gilding arts, sharing thoughts, questions, and ideas in a safe and respectul online environment. Those are the only requirements which everyone who attends agrees to. So, join us now at The Gilding Arts Collective and may you meet calm seas and fair winds. ~